Game Day (and Lunch Too!)
March 20 @ 11:45 AM
On Sunday, March 20, the Connectors Team will be sponsoring a Game Day in the Fellowship Hall right after the Late Service at 11:45 am. A light lunch will be served consisting of pizza and subs. A sign up sheet will be available at "Sign-Up Central" by March 6. By all means, bring your favorite board game and if you’re not into pizza or subs, you can bring your own lunch too! If you’re not into playing games, then simply come and enjoy some time fellowshipping with others. Oh—are your kids still doing homework Sunday afternoons? No problem! They are welcome to do their homework in the Fellowship Hall or have some privacy in a classroom. With the WIFI system, they will have no problem doing online assignments with their tablets or laptops. Sign up at “Sign-Up Central” by Sunday, March 13. Get ready for a great time playing games and fellowshipping over a delicious lunch on March 20!