Missions, Missionaries & Benevolences
Keep current with what's going on with our financial outreach!
The Enola First Church of God is a member congregation of the Churches of God, General Conference (CGGC). We support cross-cultural missions by partnering with the Global Reach department. Our Church as a whole supports some CGGC's missionaries directly. Others are supported by Sunday School classes and individuals. The Enola First Church of God also supports missionaries and missionary organizations outside of the Churches of God. We encourage all of our members and attendees to prayerfully consider supporting Missions and Missionaries through prayer and financial support.
Here's is a sampling of the world missions supported through the Church of God General Conference. For more information on Church of God missions, please review information on Global Reach on the CGGC web site.
Dominican Republic
Southwest USA
Additional missions supported by the Enola First Church of God congregation or individually by its members include:
​Bethesda Mission - Harrisburg, PA
Feed My Starving Children (Third World Food Relief)
Mennonite Disaster Service (Disaster Relief Within the USA)
Gideons International (Committed to Sharing and Spreading God’s Word)
New Hope Ministries (Enola, PA)
New Life for Girls (Dover PA)
To learn about other Churches of God Global Reach missionaries, mission fields and benevolences we encourage you to consider supporting, CLICK HERE.