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Meet Our Staff...

Pastor Jensen is originally from Newport, PA.  He graduated from Millersville University and Winebrenner Theological Seminary.  He lives in Enola with his wife, Judi.  Pastor Jensen taught at Harrisburg Christian School for two years before going to seminary. Following seminary, he pastored the Mount Carmel First and Weishample Churches of God.  He became Lead Pastor of the Enola First Church of God in March, 2001.  His primary ministry duties at Enola are in the areas of Preaching, Teaching, Worship, Outreach and Missional Living. 


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Sandi Baney
Director of Discipleship Ministries​​

Pastor Sandi Baney is originally from Dauphin, PA and has been a member of the Enola First Church of God since 1981.  She pastored Churches of God congregations in Newport, PA, Auburn, PA and Dauphin, PA.  She also served as the Pastoral Care Worker to pastors in the Harrisburg-Northeast District of the Eastern Regional Conference of the Churches of God.  In 2016 Sandi came on staff at Enola as the Director of Discipleship Ministries.  Her duties include ordering and distributing curriculum, working with Enola First Church of God's Sunday School, Small Group Ministries, and other areas related to discipleship.  She lives in Mechanicsburg, PA. 


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Jill Kilker is a member of the Enola First Church of God.  She lives in Enola with her husband, Joe.  By profession, she is a teacher and she uses her educational skills to give guidance and oversight to families that homeschool their children.  Jill has served on the mission field in India.  Speaking of her passion for the people and culture and India, she also works part-time at a restaurant specializing in Indian cuisine.  Jill's ministry duties include overseeing ECOG's 412 Youth Ministry and Children's Ministries.  
Amy Kreiger has been a member of the Enola First Church of God since December, 2006, and has served as the Administrative Assistant/ Treasurer since February, 2013.  Amy and her husband, Rich, live in Enola.  She previously worked as a secretary and office manager but left those careers to be home with their daughters almost 30 years ago.  Amy also enjoys leading the Parenting Sunday school class, serving as the Administrative Board Secretary, and serving the Lord through each of her positions at the church.
Marilyn Zahora attends the New Cumberland First Church of God where her husband, Charlie serves as Pastor.  Marilyn and Charlie live in Marysville, PA.  She came on staff at Enola as our part-time secretary in January, 2010.  She previously worked in data processing in the State Departments of State Parks and Natural Resources for over 10 years, and as a church secretary for Harrisburg First COG for 5 years.

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