"NOT Done With Church Survey"
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Have you heard of the “Done with Church” crowd? This crowd includes those who were part of a given church for years and years (including ours!) who simply quit. Sociologist Josh Packard describes several factors in his book, Church Refugees as to why so many people are done with church. One of those factors includes feeling like you’ve “heard it all” after sitting through countless sermons and Bible studies. One of Packard’s interviewees said, “I’m tired of being lectured to. I’m just done with having some guy tell me what to do.” The Dones are fatigued with the Sunday routine of plop, pray and pay. They want to play!
We as a congregation at Enola First Church of God want to do as much as we can to help people avoid the “Done with Church” syndrome. In fact, we want to call upon God to do something amazing in our midst – to not only help us prevent the “Done with Church” syndrome but also grow His church! The Enola First Church of God leadership approved creating a “NOT Done with Church Survey.” We are asking everyone who considers Enola First Church of God their home church to take this survey. You may do so completely anonymously if you prefer. It contains 10 simple questions which anyone can answer fairly quickly. Your response will be key in helping us as leaders strategize in making Enola First Church of God the best it can be to the glory of God. This, God-willing, will help us address the “Done with Church” phenomenon and formulate a positive plan and vision to grow God’s church. Click on the links above to take the survey online or to download a pdf paper copy. If you decide to fill out a paper copy, place your completed survey in one of the boxes labeled, "Collection Box" at Enola First Church of God. Actual blank paper copies are available next to both collection boxes.