May 20 is Pentecost Sunday; the day that Christians traditionally recognize as the Birthday of the Church. The Holy Spirit came into the world in a new way on Pentecost and we as Christians celebrate that He comes to live in each and every believer who proclaims Jesus as Savior and Lord. It has become the custom of the Christian church to commemorate Pentecost with the color red; it serves as a reminder of the Holy Spirit appearing as cloven tongues of fire that sat upon the believers gathered together on that day. Accordingly, the paraments on the pulpit and ordinance table will be red on May 20. In commemoration of Pentecost, we are inviting everyone to wear red apparel at the 8:00 and 10:15 am services on May 20. Red shirts and red ties are appropriate for men. Ladies may wear a red dress, red skirt and/or a red blouse.
Also on Pentecost Sunday, the Eastern Regional Conference is inviting all sister churches to celebrate “Plant a Church Sunday.” Since 2010, the Eastern Regional Conference has started approximately 40 church-planting projects. In the recent past, the Enola First Church of God has participated in church planting by giving $15,000 to the Conference’s 20/20 Church Planting initiative and $1,000 in seed money directly to Turning Point Church in Mechanicsburg when it was planted in 2012. To celebrate Church Planting Sunday, we will receive a retiring offering at the end of the 8:00 and 10:15 AM Worship Services on Pentecost Sunday, May 20. Checks can be made payable to “Enola First Church of God.” All funds collected through this retiring offering will go directly to the 20/20 Church Planting Initiative. Evangelist C. Peter Wagner once said, “Planting new churches is the most effective evangelistic methodology known under heaven.” So let’s get on board with this evangelistic church planting initiative Pentecost Sunday! Come, Holy Spirit!