Sunday August 26, 2018
Our team leaders have been meeting to find ways to work together to grow the church and God’s Kingdom. The team leaders will host a “Dinner and a Movie” night at the church on Sunday, August 26. There will be outdoor games for kids (and parents if they are willing!) such as volleyball, basketball, jump rope, sidewalk chalk, kickball, etc. from 4:00-5:00. The meal will be served in the pavilion from 5:00-6:00 (a summer night calls for hot dogs!), and the movie will begin at 6:00 in the sanctuary. We are very excited to share that we will be showing “I Can Only Imagine.” There will be a separate movie for children pre-school and elementary-aged downstairs. In the event of rain, the game time will be cancelled, and the dinner moved indoors. The movie will only being shown in the sanctuary, so weather will not be a problem. Please sign up - there will be a sign-up sheets posted at Sign-Up Central beginning July 15. You are more than welcome to invite your family, neighbors, and friends! The sign-up will be for the meal, but if you are inviting someone to just the movie, a sign-up is not necessary. The team leaders hope that you will take advantage of grabbing this last bit of summer (even though many kids will already be back to school!) and gather with your church family and friends. We’re looking forward to a great night!